Month: May 2024

Think and Grow Rich is STUPID. Preparing and Showing Up is Better.

Reality is much more awesome than you could ever dream possible.  And reality doesn’t give a flying leap about you. Or me. There was/is an author, Richard Bach who made a career writing fictional books that said you could do anything. Everyone should read these books, especially Jonathan Livingston Seagull.  In these beautiful stories, you…
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May 14, 2024 0

Ted Gioa is Wrong Today. Good Music is NOT What Lasts.

Ted Gioia is a wonderful writer. I really enjoy many of his articles through substack. He’s a musician and I’d also say great cultural writer that talks through many musical ideas. I highly recommend you read his material, but this weeks letter is just bizarre. Mr. Gioia’s premise is that bad music will go by…
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May 7, 2024 0